Academia Sinica is the highest academic research institution in China during the period of the Republic of China. It is also the highest academic research institution in Taiwan, directly under the president's office. Founded in Nanjing in 1928, after the founding of the people's Republic of China, most of them were reorganized into institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A small number of them were rebuilt in Taiwan and kept their original name. They are directly subordinate to the Taiwan authorities and are now located in Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan Province. The current president is Weng Qihui. Tasks include humanities and scientific research, guidance, liaison and reward of academic research, training of senior academic research talents, as well as scientific and humanistic research.
The project is mainly carried out in two phases based on the reconstruction of computer room.
The project adopts Fastlink category 6 cabling products, and the machine room adopts Fastlink 24C single-mode prefabricated optical cable.